1.3pre - How's it going and what's coming. And when will it release?

1.3pre is the next update we are currently working on, and as I have said in the past, 1.3pre will be a bugfix / QoL update, with a lot of things that just make the game a lot better. Some of these things (that have already been added) are:

1 - You can now Multi-Move and Multi-Rotate Ragdolls!

2 - Inconsistencies in the GUI have been fixed

3 - Moving a Ragdoll's head will let you move the full ragdoll.

4 - Scaling (or shrinking) a ragdolls head will also cause its body to scale proportionately. (the right click menu scale also works fine but use the scale and shrink tools on the right side of the screen for a better result)

5 - Fixed a bug where when you multi-moved a frozen object while the time scale was 0 any other objects in the mult-iselection would have been rotated weirdly.

6  Now the gravity slider isn't a slider, but an input field, so now it takes less space and now you can have gravity from -99 to 999

7 - You can now also see the current simulation speed.

8 - Shadows are now more consistent.

9 - The ability to toggle the visibility of the UI

10 - You can now toggle the gravity of of objects

11 - Ragdoll's heads don't just flop left and right and actually stay upright.

And now for what else is coming:

1 - A scale tool that actually, looks good (and doesn't turn into an eldritch being when you try to scale an already scaled, rotated pentagon)

2 - Main menu music (maybe)

3  Bugs that I still haven't fixed such as : (thruster particles, thrusters themselves, right click menu will move something to the mouse if the object is too big, etc)

And now for - THE RELEASE DATE - (well month)

You can expect 1.3pre to release in late January or in early February

Anyways, that's it for now!


- disq


sandBOKS-1_21pre.zip 44 MB
46 days ago

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